GrayHair Returns to the National Postal Forum
GrayHair had three objectives this year for the postal industry’s largest trade event. The first was to see many of our clients and friends after a two-year drought. The goal was achieved as our team spent time with many of our clients and their vendors (You can check out the classic tradeshow pics on our FB page).
Our next was to showcase that GrayHair not only persevered through the pandemic but prospered. In 2021, we started showcasing our Business-Ready Intelligence (BRI) Solutions and it felt great to introduce how postal data is the newfound hero beyond the mailstream.
Then, we always love to showcase our industry-leading experts’ workshops. They deeply dive into topics such as Informed Visibility (IV), address data quality, the evolution of postal data in the cloud, and how to deliver outstanding customer support to clients.
We may not have had our puppies, but with our focus on postal data as the hero, our “Hero Within” t-shirts were a hit. If you couldn’t attend this year’s NPF and get one, do not hesitate to reach out, and we will be glad to send one to you (while supplies last).
See you next year in Charlotte!!! See you