Enterprise Certified Mail Service

Bringing Intelligence to Enterprise Certified Mail

Through a partnership with industry leader SimpleCertifiedMail.com, this new intelligent Enterprise Certified Mail service provides advanced technologies to make the most of USPS® innovations such as the Return Receipt Electronic and IMpb, enables easy integration through APIs, and includes advanced data quality tools, dashboards, and analytics.

How the Combined Service Can Benefit You:

What is Intelligent Enterprise Certified Mail?

A unique offering that leverages modern RESTful APIs to streamline the preparation and reduce the cost of Certified Mail while expediting and integrating Certified Mail delivery data for Enterprise visibility and risk reduction.

What are the Key Benefits?
  • Significantly reduces the cost and time to prepare Certified Mail
  • Expedites the receipt of Certified Mail delivery to < 24 hours
  • Accelerates legal proceedings and asset recovery
  • Provides a complete archive of client communications to reduce risk

Built for your industry


Financial Services

Loan Servicing and Asset Recovery

Accelerated asset recovery in loan servicing of mortgages, car loans and other asset-based lending based on expedited confirmation of delivery and visibility of Certified Mail.



Property and Casualty Insurance

Faster proof of receipt of policy cancellation notices thus reducing the risk of claims payments. Notice of Cancellation, Nonrenewal, and Declination for personal injury and workers’ compensation policies.


Legal Solutions

Complete Client Archive

Integrated services that track the receipt of all client correspondence both IMb™ and Certified Mail to provide a complete client communication archive to quickly resolve legal disputes.


Mail Service Providers

Unified View – IMb and Certified Mail

Mail tracking dashboards that provide a unified view of IMb mail and Certified Mail, highlighting delivered and undelivered mail, move updates, Undeliverable as Addressed, etc.