
Idealliance Acknowledges Industry Leader from GrayHair Software in 2019 Annual Award

February 20, 2019|Tags: |

Idealliance honors excellence in industry-postal communications and collaboration to create a more competitive and efficient total mail supply chain through the presentation of the Donald A. Mumma Award. This award is the highest award of distinction that Idealliance presents.

USPS Updates the Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) ACS Technical Guide

February 20, 2019|

In a January 25, 2019 United States Postal Service® Industry Alert,  the USPS® announced that the Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) ACS™ Technical Guide is now updated to reflect the new Small Parcel Forwarding Fee for Marketing Mail Parcels and Parcel Select Lightweight Parcels.

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