When you think ‘GrayHair’, we hope our 400 years of merged postal experience comes to mind. Maybe you think of us as the largest mail tracking company in the world or about our proprietary address cleansing services or our amazing customer service.
If you think of us as “the dog people,” we’ll take it. We are dedicated to our love of dogs, not only when we exhibit at events (a Dog Rescue at every NPF since 2011), but throughout the year by all of our GrayHair team. Here are two examples.
Do you know what Rhodesian Ridgeback is? If you said a lion-hunting dog that usually stands over two feet tall at the shoulder, then you are right and probably understand what an amazing animal this is. For the past three years, Josh McCaully (of GrayHair Business Development) has been the New Jersey rescue coordinator for the Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue. What spurred this was his own Ridgeback, Ares. Ares came into Josh and his wife’s life in 2014. Ares joined their growing family, which included an American bulldog, Atlas. In addition to Ares, Josh and his wife have recently added an adorable daughter to their family.
Since 1970, the Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue has been the leading rescue and foster provider of Ridgebacks in the United States and Canada. The New Jersey branch helps with the adoption of dogs, including those from Texas where there are more dogs than families available to adopt them. Josh, while also being one of GrayHair’s leading postal experts, is the point person for the organization, not only managing those looking to adopt these dogs but also being a foster parent himself. Over the past three years, his family has fostered three ridgebacks, including Babe, who was from Texas and in need of a foster family.

Our second story involves our Senior Director of Compliance, Linda Green, who brings in a new friend from the local rescue she supports, The Sanctuary at Haafsville. Over the last three weeks, our office has been visited by some amazing rescue dogs. Not only do these dogs enhance the energy of the office and bring joy to every desk they visit, but each visit is an opportunity for GrayHair team members to add loving new members to their families. Over the past three weeks, we have had visits from Mae-Mae, Karamel and Ophelia. Fingers crossed that all of them find homes – we know they will.
The Sanctuary has been open for the past seven years and receives many of its animals from kill shelters in the South. As with many shelters in this area, The Sanctuary houses previously sheltered animals from areas hit by the hurricanes so the shelters affected in those areas can make room for animals displaced by the storms.
If you can, please donate to continue to help them rescue some amazing animals.