Committed to Your Success: Stability in a Changing Postal Landscape
Ensuring Reliable Mail Operations Through Innovation & Industry Engagement
Ensuring Reliable Mail Operations Through Innovation & Industry Engagement
Mike Allario, Xcelerate Solutions Leader, dives into how marketers can cater to the dynamic needs of their audiences across every touchpoint through omnichannel marketing.
In less than two weeks, Postage rates will increase. Here is the latest news released about that changes
On July 10th, postage rates will increase. The last postage rate increase was August 2021. This was expected as part of the Delivery for America plan. As the postmaster General stated, increased rates are needed to ensure the USPS reaches its goals. For the public, the impact will be an increase in the forever stamp.
For mailers, the increase proposed averages are 6.5% for First-Class and Marketing Mail letters and 8.5% for Marketing Mail flats. While similar to the price increase from August, this increase has a different primary driver. In 2021, the increase was driven by the COVID decline in mail density (fewer mail pieces per delivery), while the logic behind this year’s increase is due to the current rise in inflation.
Many mailers will be looking to offset these costs. Even with the understanding that this would occur, such options as special USPS promotions, expanded address hygiene methods, and enhanced segmentation. Here is an excellent article from PI world with a deeper dive into ways mailers can alleviate this issue.
As the postal industry and the companies that work with mail try to adapt
GrayHair had three objectives this year for the postal industry’s largest trade event. The first was to see many of our clients and friends after a two-year drought. The goal was achieved as our team spent time with many of our clients and their vendors (You can check out the classic tradeshow pics on our FB page).
Our next was to showcase that GrayHair not only persevered through the pandemic but prospered. In 2021, we started showcasing our Business-Ready Intelligence (BRI) Solutions and it felt great to introduce how postal data is the newfound hero beyond the mailstream.
Then, we always love to showcase our industry-leading experts’ workshops. They deeply dive into topics such as Informed Visibility (IV), address data quality, the evolution of postal data in the cloud, and how to deliver outstanding customer support to clients.
We may not have had our puppies, but with our focus on postal data as the hero, our “Hero Within” t-shirts were a hit. If you couldn’t attend this year’s NPF and get one, do not hesitate to reach out, and we will be glad to send one to you (while supplies last).
See you next year in Charlotte!!! See you
After numerous delays, #USPS CASS Cycle O goes into effect on August 1, 2023. GrayHair’s Director of Address Intelligence Adam Collinson talks with the editor of Mailing Systems Technology, Amanda Armendariz, on some straight facts about how it will affect mailers. Read the full interview in the May/June Issue
We are back, live, and in-person for the 2020 NPF. It will be fantastic to catch up with old friends, new friends, and everyone else at the Phoenix Convention Center. The last few years have been trying, but the GrayHair team is excited to showcase how postal data is the newfound hero for our clients. So stop by Booth #402 to find out how to turn data into decisions.
You can expect GrayHair’s industry-leading experts to drive the conversation on a diverse series of topics, including data in the cloud, UAA mail, and the power of customer service. Add these workshops to your schedule.
Cathy Wall-Loomis (Cathleen M Wall-Loomis) brings 22 years of industry experience in project management and production support to GrayHair’s growing Client Operations team. Cathy’s focus will be on strengthening vendor relations and responding to client needs.
Himali Mehta has joined the GrayHair team. As Data Scientist, Himali will support the innovative work from our data analytics team to support our client’s current and future data needs and prepare for the organization’s upcoming transformation to a cloud-based platform.
Alan Southard has joined GrayHair as Customer Solutions Manager. He brings extensive experience as an Information Technology leader, highly versed in metrics-driven analysis and aligning IT vision with corporate goals. He will ensure our clients are matched with data-based solutions to meet their needs.
On March 8, the Senate passed legislation that includes several provisions, including providing the USPS relief on retirement prefunding obligations and requiring the use of Medicare. On March 14, the USPS filed with the PRC to reduce the retirement rate authority, assuming that the legislation is signed into law. This would reduce the July Price Change increase by 0.286%. The President officially received the bill on Monday and is expected to sign the legislation this week or next week.
What does it mean to you? First, there will be a reduction of 0.286% in the July Price Change. This should encourage the PRC to review the additional authority it granted the USPS as part of the 10-Year Review and make adjustments, given that most of the USPS debt has been eliminated from their books.
Below are some links for further reading:
The House passed legislation (H. R. 3076) on February 8, by a wide majority. Due to a technical issue on the Senate side, the vote was delayed and is now expected to come to a vote next week. It is possible that the Ukraine situation could delay it, but we are hopeful the vote will go forward.
The bill repeals the prefunding of postal retiree health benefits and integrates postal annuitants into the Medicare system which they have been paying into for a long time.
So what does this mean for the mailing industry? It will remove the large pre-funding burden on the USPS® books and in future July Price Changes, the 1% additional rate authority granted by the PRC will mostly disappear saving on Postage.
There are a few items that the bill does not address so additional legislation will be needed in the future.
Some items that were not addressed include:
The number of reports of identity theft, already on the rise, doubled increasing by 113% from 2019 to 2020. It’s important for mailers to remember that identity theft can begin at the mailbox. The financial losses linked to identity theft are not just linked to consumers — all parties involved are hit with the loss. Be part of the solution to prevent identity theft by taking steps to protect your mail campaigns and your customers.
Get an idea of what 2019-2020 statistics were:
Customer satisfaction increases and call center activity drops with proactive mail delivery status notifications.
Improve customer experience by supporting clients and call centers with delivery data visibility. BRI for CX
Mail theft is at an all-time high with credit card fraud being a major concern for credit card companies and banks.
Prevent incidents of fraud with chain-of-custody visibility and alert system for high-value mail. BRI for Fraud
Marketing mail volume is above pre-pandemic levels with new credit card solicitations being among the highest.
Enhancing customer data leads to higher response rates and improved marketing campaign effectiveness. BRI for Marketers
USPS processing and service delivery standards changes, pandemic challenges, and price increases are causing angst across major mailers.
Postal optimization for high-volume mailers focused on improving communications to ensure a mailpiece gets to the right person at the right address at the right time. BRI for Postal
National Association of Presort Mailers (NAPM) is planning their traditional in-person Annual Conference event for February 15-17, 2022 (including a golf outing on Feb. 14) at the TradeWinds Resort, St. Pete’s Beach FL. This event will hopefully start a season of in-person industry events. What you can expect from a NAPM is an event packed with leading industry experts and Keynote Presentation – Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
In October, we saw a decline in First Class and Marketing Mail due to the decrease in the election mail. Then towards the end of the month, volumes leveled out, followed by a spike the week of November 5th. This increase is an anomaly caused by the data being pulled early by the USPS. As we can see, volumes have returned to their existing levels. With the upcoming holiday, you can expect numbers to trend down.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
GrayHair continues to monitor the lingering impact of the COVID pandemic on #USPS Mail Volumes. During the previous two weeks, we saw declines in First Class and Marketing Mail due to the decrease of election mail that we saw in 2020. For the week of October 29, volumes have leveled out and we expect that trend to continue.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
GrayHair continues to monitor the lingering Impacts of the COVID pandemic on #USPS Mail Volumes. During the weeks ending 10/15 and 10/22, we are seeing some declines in First Class and Marketing Mail as compared to 2020. The decreases are due to the large 2020 election mail volumes and the modest amounts of election mail this current election cycle.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
The Team has always been a major fan of the holiday. Throughout the years we have celebrated it in so many ways – from extensive department
decorating contests through award-winning group costumes to the current Zoom version. Check out some of the best costumes from past years!
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
As we continue to monitor the lingering Impact of the COVID pandemic on #USPS Mail Volumes, here is this week’s chart. For the week ending on Friday, October 8, 2021, we are continuing to see a leveling off of mail volumes. Peak Season has already started in the Flats world and is about to start in the Letter and Parcel world. We will be monitoring volumes to see how they match up to last year and to the 2019 base year.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
For the week ending on Oct 1, 2021 ,we see the volume settling into its “new normal”. This week we see a slight dip in volume from the week before.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
For the week ending on September 17, 2021, mail inched up slightly in all categories (First-Class, Marketing, and Parcels) as it moved to return closer to 2019 volumes.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
For the week ending on September 10, 2021, you can see a slight uptick from the previous week’s dip caused by the Labor Day weekend falling on a different week between years. Mail volume will continue to level out over the next couple of weeks.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
Here’s a quick recap on how to read the chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
For the week ending on September 3, 2021, the decreased volumes can be attributed to the Labor Day weekend and mail being expedited the week prior to beat the August 29th price increase. You can expect the numbers to level out over the next couple of weeks.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Here is the full USPS announcement –
Postal Service Announces New Market Dominant Price Adjustment Schedule
To help customers better prepare for a new Market Dominant price adjustment schedule, the Postal Service will not raise prices on Market Dominant products, including Forever stamps, in January 2022. Instead, the next Market Dominant price adjustment is scheduled to happen in July 2022.
Beginning January 2023, Market Dominant price adjustments will occur twice a year, (e.g. January 2023, July 2023, January 2024, July 2024, etc.). Market Dominant products include First-Class Mail (FCM), USPS Marketing Mail, Periodicals, Package Services*, and Special Services.
July 2022 rate authority will include ten months of CPI plus retirement, density, and non-compensatory class authorities as determined by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). The January rate authority will include six months of CPI, plus any unused rate authority. Subsequent July rate authority will include six months of CPI plus the retirement, density, and non-compensatory class authorities and any remaining unused rate authority.
The Postal Service has submitted an official statement reflecting the above schedule with the PRC. The statement gives estimated filing and implementation dates for future adjustments of each mail class over the next three years.
Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.
Here’s a quick recap on how to read the chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
For the week ending on August 27, 2021, you can see that as Angelo predicted, Marketing Mail spiked as mailers pushed to get their mail inducted ahead of the August 29 price increase. You can expect that volume to return to normal levels in the following weeks. First-Class continued its steady decline and packages are holding steady.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
GrayHair’s Director of Client Operations, Moira Mach along with Samantha Ewald, Client Success Manager had their article, “Are You Missing Out? 10 Things to Consider if You’re Not Using a Mail Tracking Service.” on Mailing Systems Technology’s site. This article provides a series of questions that mailers can ask themselves to identify issues that can be solved with visibility into their performance.
GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes.
How this chart works: The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
For the week ending on August 20, 2021, you can see that marketing mail is holding steady. Packages are holding steady after a sharp drop in April and early May. First-Class continues its decline at its normal pace, for now. With the price change that went into effect on the 29th, many mailers were pushing to get their campaigns into mailstream. This will result in some fluctuations in volume in the short term.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Here is a chart that our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos, creates on a weekly basis. This chart shows the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes for First-Class Mail, Marketing Mail, and Packages. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.
For the week ending on August 13, 2021, you can see that marketing mail is trending down but still is maintaining a strong return. Packages are holding steady after a sharp drop in April and early May. First-Class continues its decline at its normal pace, for now. We will see what happens after the August 29 Price Change.
You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
FEDweek, a resource that focuses on providing information about the federal government, published a great article providing a recap of the provisions that are currently in the Postal Service Reform Act. The bill is currently being considered in the House and the Senate. Read the FEDweek article on their site