Proprietary Address Hygiene

Fortify standard address hygiene with our Enhanced Address Hygiene Solutions.

If you mail, you will have Undeliverable As Addressed (UAA) Mail. Our proprietary address hygiene services helps you to reach beyond industry standard address cleansing. Solve your undeliverable mail problem and increase your marketing opportunities with this proprietary address hygiene tool.

The GrayHair Advantage

  • Access to our proprietary database of Change of Address (COA) and
    Undeliverable records, representing over 500 million consumer records.
  • Address hygiene data delivered as business intelligence.
  • Monitor and repair new data as it appears in your system.
  • Produce a definable ROl.
  • Reduction of return mail by 90%.

GrayHair offers two proprietary services:

One managed by GrayHair’s team of experts and a proprietary set of business rules that you manage and update on a job-by-job basis.

Universal Address Database (UAD)

UAD is a proprietary database of COA and undeliverable mail data. These records are generated from actual mailings by our customers who choose to contribute this information to a cooperative database. The database contains over 500 million records and continues to grow.

ACS-2 proprietary address hygiene

Historical ACS (HACS)

We will store and manage your client ACS records to ensure their validity and availability for use across an organization to improve the address quality of future mailings. Records can be suppressed and changed based upon unique business rules.

Did You know?


We use the most trusted forms of address hygiene to help enterprise mailers stay compliant and to cut even more costs out of their operational budgets.


Enterprise mailers who have used GrayHair’s enhanced address hygiene service have cut as much as $2 million out of their operational budgets.


Companies that run only CASS and NCOA still have an average 3-6% undeliverable mail. This is because CASS and NCOA are only some of the information and can only fix part of the problem.