Here is GrayHair’s weekly chart on the impact of COVID on USPS Mail Volumes, as compiled by our VP of Postal Affairs, Angelo Anagnostopoulos.

GrayHair continues to monitor the lingering impact of the COVID pandemic on #USPS Mail Volumes. During the previous two weeks, we saw declines in First Class and Marketing Mail due to the decrease of election mail that we saw in 2020. For the week of October 29, volumes have leveled out and we expect that trend to continue.

You will be able to get access to the weekly reports by following us on our big 3 social platforms: – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

How to read this chart. The black line shows the total mail volume comparison to 2019 (for all three types). The percentage along the left-hand axis shows the percentage to the prior year’s volume with 100% being the same as the prior year.