REGISTER NOW and join us on Tuesday, December 4th, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET to hear how GrayHair can help your organization with the impact of the latest USPS® initiatives – Price Change, ACS™ billing and CASS™ Cycle O.
Address Quality is a critical component to mitigate risk and control costs related to these upcoming changes. Join this interactive webinar to learn how GrayHair is best positioned to help you prepare through a best practices approach and leveraging our proprietary processes and data sets.
Maybe you are wondering if your postage budget for 2019 is enough to cover the coming price increase? Or are trying to figure out how to keep your budget the same and still increase your volume? Our industry-leading postal and addressing experts will help you find answers to these and many other questions you might have. So register now and plan to join us on December 4th.