Increase Fundraising Response Rates with GrayHair
High-quality data and audience insights are essential for university foundations that rely on direct mail for donor communications, stewardship, and fundraising efforts. Accurate donor data alongside visibility into the mailstream reduces costs, provides operational efficiencies and improves overall response.
Address Data Quality
To achieve successful fundraising outcomes, institutions must ensure they are working with the highest levels of donor data quality.
By prioritizing address data quality, university foundations can enhance donor engagement, strengthen relationships, and maximize the success of their fundraising initiatives.
Our Process
Our advanced processes go beyond industry standards to provide the highest levels of address data quality. We combine our process with industry-leading expertise to implement a business rules-driven process to ensure a customizable comprehensive strategy.

Mailstream Visibility
To achieve successful fundraising outcomes, institutions must ensure they are monitoring the performance of their mailing campaigns.
By monitoring delivery performance, mailers gain invaluable visibility into mail processing and delivery. GrayHair’s comprehensive platform helps monitor supplier and delivery performance, enhances omnichannel campaigns, and accurately measure campaign effectiveness.
Understanding the Journey of a mailpiece to Minimize failed communications
From print through inserting and commingling, to USPS delivery, mailers can leverage critical metrics including: mail in-home dates, missed delivery windows, piece redirection, and others. Historically, there have been many blind spots across these events.

Gain Visibility into Mail Processing and Delivery with Intuitive, Interactive Dashboards
Useful data insights can be accessed through easy-to-read dashboards and customizable data feeds making it simple to proactively monitor campaign performance, SLAs and solve problems.

Real-time status of a single mailpiece’s location
Projected in-home delivery dates
Percentage of campaigns successfully delivered
Overall campaign status–Early, In Window, or Late
Address Change Service (ACS) Reporting
Overall Campaign Performance
Address Quality Insights
Visibility into supplier performance
Donor Insights
Gain access to cutting-edge AI technology and expertise for more impactful decision-making.
Activating donor insights involves understanding the demographics, behaviors, motivations, and interests of donors. Here’s how we analyze donor audiences

Donor Data Analysis
Get a deep understanding of your existing donor base, and strategically expand it. Utilizing data from your CRM, our approach begins with deep data mining and segmentation, allowing us to identify key patterns and trends within your current donors’ behavior.

Predictive Analytics
By using predictive modeling, we can pinpoint the characteristics of individuals most likely to donate and their likely gift amount. This ensures your marketing efforts are focused on the segments of prospects that will produce the highest value for your fundraising spend.

Donor Retention Analysis
Focus on nurturing long-term relationships. We employ predictive analytics to identify when, how, and how often to engage past donors. Prevent lapses in contributions and foster a culture of sustained giving.

Annual Giving Planning
We craft tailored communication strategies that resonate with donor segments, increasing the donor acquisition and retention. Our insights guide you to make data-driven decisions to boost overall fundraising effectiveness.