GrayHair Software’s Migration and Geographic Mobility Data

Accurate, reliable, and comprehensive data to support your research needs.

GrayHair Software is the country’s second leading provider of address data, after the U.S. Postal Service.


Address records are updated daily and identify individual vs. family movers


Our database contains old and new addresses, dating back to 2009


National coverage tracking over 39 million residential new movers annually

GrayHair’s address data supports research studies, trend identification, and enables users to gain new perspectives in the following areas:

Since the 2020 US Census, the GrayHair Mobility Data has been updated with over 60 million records.

Population Mobility and Migration are complex and ongoing.

What do you need to know?

Our data is currently utilized by some of the leading economics departments in the country. Using our data sets, you can discover where the population is moving across any U.S. location – from urban to rural, and more.

What are the provided features and benefits?

  • National US coverage
  • Updated daily using US Postal Service certified records
  • Contains historic address sets, including old & new addresses
  • Identifies individual vs. family movers
  • Identifies movers who left no forwarding address
  • Residential data maintained from 2009 – present
  • 3.5 million records refreshed each month