GrayHair #GardenGoals – Summer 2023
Many of GrayHair’s talented team members double as passionate home gardeners.🌱🍅 With the 2023 gardening season in full swing, we asked a few of our green-thumbed friends to share their tips and tricks for maintaining fruitful home gardens. Check out what they had to say!

Why did you start a home garden?
Therese P: I love that my grandchildren are so interested in helping!
Jeffrey H: My father had a huge garden growing up, and I have had one since I bought my first house.
Adam C: I took over the family garden when I was 8 years old and I’ve had one ever since.
How long have you been gardening?
Valerie C: This is my first year with a vegetable garden!
Everette M: 15+ years
Moira M: This summer marks four years!
What gardening ‘win’ are you most proud of?
Woody A: A 1.1lb Beefsteak Tomato
Therese P: When I lived in Virginia, we harvested corn-on-the-cob!
Adam C: My Acorn Squash

Most helpful gardening tip?
Jeffrey H: When planting tomatoes, put a little espoma, a sprinkle of epsom salt, and say a prayer for each one. Guaranteed to have the best (and a little salty) tomatoes once they’re ripe!
Everette M: Being persistent and always improving your systems and process in the face of failure. It took four years of trial and error until we were able to grow brussel sprouts successfully.
Valerie C: For flower gardens, you should water from the bottom to avoid soaking your leaves. It also helps to pluck away any browning or dead leaves!
What is a #gardengoal you have for the future?
Moira M: To add Blueberries and an Apple Orchard next year!
Therese P: To successfully grow strawberries…that don’t get eaten by animals!
Woody A: To always have enough to share.