On July 20, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) issued its decision on the USPS’ proposed price changes for Aug. 29, 2021.
Highlights include:
- The PRC approved the proposed USPS promotions
- The PRC declined to delay the implementation of the new prices. This is due to the argument raised that the PRC did not have the authority to grant the USPS the additional rate authority it did in the 10-year rate system review. That matter is currently before the U.S. Court of Appeals. The PRC said since the courts did not issue a stay in the matter, it saw no reason to delay the price change.
- The PRC disagreed with how the USPS proposed the new structure for the presort levels for FCM Non-Auto letters category. It said it finds that both the new categories are workshare discounts (USPS argued they were not). The USPS must within 90 days file a petition for rulemaking to develop the appropriate benchmarking methodology for these new categories.
- On the Auto and Nonauto prices being the same for FCM AADC letters, the PRC said the prices meet the applicable laws and it is up to USPS to set prices within the laws.
The entire decision from the PRC can be found here