The National Association of Presort Mailers (NAPM) Board of Directors elections will take place during the organization’s Annual Conference next February. If you’re interested in running for one of the three available positions or in nominating someone, you have until close of business on Friday December 21, 2018.
The Board of Directors represent the various segments of NAPM’s membership and serve three-year terms. Board members are asked to commit up to 5 hours per week to board-related business, but the average is usually 1 to 2 hours per week, based on the committee one sits on or leads and whether one has an officer position.
You can nominate yourself or someone else. Your nomination should include a brief biography.
Send in your nominations:
By USPS Mail: Kathleen Siviter, NAPM, 6425 Spring Terrace, Falls Church VA 22042-3118
By e-mail: Kathleen.Siviter@presortmailer.org
If you miss the December 21 deadline, you can still submit a nomination during the 2019 Annual Conference on February 12, 2019. However, this means that the person’s name will not be on the ballots that are mailed in January 2019 before the conference. For more information, visit the NAPM site.