The GrayHair Mail Tracking Advantage
Get Unmatched Visibility into Your Mailstream
Use the Postal Service’s Informed Visibility® data to get valuable insight into your mailstream. Find out when recipients are most receptive to your offers and determine the best days for your mail to be delivered.
Know Exactly Where Your Mail Is
Follow each mailpiece through the postal system, from initial entry to in-home delivery. Pinpoint the location of each mailing and zero-in on actual in-home dates.
Make Informed Decisions
Turn your postal data into actions that let you test delivery options, raise response rates, precisely trigger follow-up efforts, and detect potential problems.
Keep Your Confidential Mail Safe
Integrate the USPS’s Secure Destruction service with our mail tracking solution to have your confidential undeliverable mail safely destroyed. Know which letters were destroyed and when.
Get Your Mail into Your Customers’ Hands
Combine the USPS® ACS™ with our mail tracking to know when and why mail was undeliverable and, if forwarded, to what address.

Data Visualization
Our analytics dashboards allow for fast decision making based on visual cues and graphic presentation of your data. Quickly spot patterns and trends with just a glance.
Campaign Visibility
Get fast and powerful insight into your data. Make informed choices without needing to know the exact numerical details.
Interactive Postal Data
Explore postal data without having to run multiple reports. Questions about your data are answered with just a few clicks.