Informed Delivery eSignature

Gone are the days of physical signatures. On October 7, 2019, the USPS added an electronic signature service to Informed Delivery™, known as the USPS Electronic Signature Online™. Customers no longer need to wait at home for package deliveries, but instead can use an eSignature to sign for eligible items such as Priority Mail Express, Signature Confirmation and mail insured for $500 or more. 

For those users who choose to opt-in to USPS Electronic Signature Online™, they will see the eligible incoming packages on the Informed Delivery ‘Packages’ dashboard. They must provide their eSignature prior to the “Arrival at Unit” scan. Once the eSignature is provided, the USPS Carrier will be notified. This will benefit carriers since they will now be able to deliver packages on the first attempt and won’t have to arrange for redeliveries. However, in some cases, merchants will be able to block eSignature options if they wish to receive a physical signature.

The new service goes hand-in-hand with the Postal Service’s dedication to innovation and overall consumer and merchant satisfaction. 

If you have any questions about USPS changes or how to get the most from your postal data, contact one of GrayHair’s postal experts today by calling 856-727-9372.